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Media Work Table

This table shows all of the current work that I have completed as part of my Digital media course.

Unit 23 - Lesson 5

 What does higher education institution require? Find a  minimum of five courses  which require a portfolio as part of their application process.    Digital Media at Bristol University 3 Years, TEF Gold,  offers the chance to experience working with cutting edge technologies to create engaging digital experiences in a range of environments. Require 112 UCAS Points with no specific subject requirements. Digital Media at the University of Leeds 3 Years, TEF Gold, offers a blend of theory and practice, teaching you all you need for a future in digital and interactive media. Allows shaping your degree to suit your interests and career plans through optional modules, whether they relate to creative or technical practice or theoretical analysis of digital media. Requires ABB in A-Levels and doesn't accept UCAS points Digital Media at the University of Portsmouth 3 Years, TEF Gold, After the course, you’ll be able to take on roles across any industry as a mobile developer or digital desi

Unit 23 - Lesson 2

Unit 23 - Lesson 4

SWOT Analysis Strengths I am able to use my knowledge of digital manipulation by using photoshop, illustrator and such within my work and course to my advantage. When work is submitted it is done to a decent degree Weaknesses Need to complete work on time, Unable to access a lot of old work Opportunities Employers look for people with a digital skillset in the modern-day, this I can use to my advantage as its something I pride in. This blog can be used in the future to show my work and how I progressed my knowledge of digital media throughout the course of 2 years. Threats being at home working for the majority of my second year of learning due to the pandemic.has had a very big impact of my capability on working on time and being motivated. What do prospective employers want?

Unit 23 - Lesson 1

  What is a personal media profile? A personal media profile A personal profile is a platform in which represents yourself. It may consist of many objectives you have achieved, your interests and what you can offer. However, the personal profile is more about the person rather than the work and could be a good way to get a good personal connection between possible clients A social media profile A social media profile is very useful. by using social media and having an online presence for your business is very beneficial. Having a social media profile allows clients to have an understanding of what you can offer them. A social media platform to spread your work can only benefit your case, each social media will have a different demographic that you can try and take and use to your advantage. Digital Portfolio A digital portfolio can be presented in many forms such as a website or blog; such as this one, which allows anyone to view your work. A portfolio is another way of showing your wo